
How do I bring a common law claim for a work injury in QLD?

Under workers’ compensation legislation in Queensland, if you have had a workers’ compensation claim, and you wish to proceed with a Common Law claim for damages for your injury, you need to be very careful what steps you take when your workers’ compensation claim is coming to an end…

What to know about hiring a compensation lawyer

Some people don’t bother with compensation claims, thinking they are a waste of time and would only complicate their lives further. After a serious injury, you can be so thankful you’re alive that you just brush the matter off and want to get on with your life. Besides that, hiring good compensation lawyers usually costs money.

Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes they could ever make is not seeking compensation…

Making successful psychological injury claims

Psychological or psychiatric injury (PPI) compensation claims may include work related stress, anxiety or depression. Read more or chat with our lawyers & get a FREE claim assessment.

Compensation for psychological injuries at work

When we talk about pure psychiatric injury claims, we are talking about a claim where the worker suffers from a psychological condition and the work event has not caused physical injury. Find out more…

Video surveillance destroys claim

A claimant for compensation “grossly exaggerated” injuries as video surveillance showed. Talk to our Lawyers FREE and assess your claim today.

What to do when receiving a workcover notice of assessment

At the end of your workers’ compensation claim, Workcover may issue you with a Notice of Assessment. This document will set out your work injuries and accord a percentage impairment for each injury. The impairment for the specific injury will have a correlating monetary amount being the statutory compensation amount for the injury…